My Equipment
Takahashi TOA130S and Takahashi NJP Temma2mount
Recently, I puchased a Refractor, Takahashi TOA130S. I believe that this one is superb telescope in the world now. This telescope has a lot of options for taking a photograph. I have used Reducer and Flattner when I take a photograph. My TOA130S is mounted on Takahashi NJP GOTO mount when I use it.
Here is my favorite Astrophotography that I took on this telescope.
Takahashi Epsilon180ED and Takahashi NJPmount
I've just replaced Epsilon160 with new Epsilon! That's a Takahashi Epsilon180ED! Because I heard that the performance of this scope is very nice. By the way, I have taken some images with it last week.
Here is astrophotograph that I took on this telescope.
Takahashi Mewlon300 and Pentax MS-5 mount
Mewlon series is a Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain telescopes. It use an ellipsoidal on the primary and a sopherical on the secondary. This telescope has electric foucsing system accomplished by moving the secondary mirror. My Mewlon300 is mounted on Pentax MS5 German equatorial mount.
Here is my favorite Astrophotograph that I took on this telescope.
Takahashi BRC250
This optical tube, BRC250, is made of a carbon fiber material. The use of carbon fiber for a tube is able to hold focus over a wide range temperature variation. I have been using this telescope for film astrography and CCD imaging.
Here is my favorite Astrophotograph that I took on this telescope.
Takahashi MT-200 Reflecter and Pentax MS5 mount
I have been using a 200mm classical Newtonian for planetary observation and CCD imaging. This optical tube is a Takahashi MT-200 and has a focal length of 1200 mm with a f-ratio of 6. I use the Philips ToUcamPro CCD Web camera for planetary imaging. I also take a CCD image using this system and SBIG ST-2000XM CCD camera. I have been happy with the results with this telescope.
This mount is a Pentax MS-5 mount. This mount features a German equatorial mount which can heft up to 40kg(90 pounds) of the astronomical equipments.
Here is my favorite Astrophotograph M101 that I took with this telescope.
Takahashi Epsilon160 and Takahashi EM200 Temma2mount
I have been using a Takahashi Epsilon160 astrograph for wide field CCD imaging with SBIG ST2000XM camera. Most of CCD images on this site were taken using this astrograph. This optical tube has a focal length of 530mm with a f-ratio 3.3.
This mount of the picture below is a Takahashi EM200Tenma2 GOTOmount. It have a good peformance.
Here is my favorite CCD image, Cone Nebula, that I took on this telescope.
VixenED103S and Vixen SXD mount
I've just perchased this refractor, Vixen ED103S, and SXD GOTO mount. I believe they have a good performance than Vixen GPD mount.
Here is my favorite CCD image that I took on the equipment.