STL-11000M Gallery
Gamma Cygni Nebulosity Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
The North America Nebula Takahashi Epsilon180ED, SBIG STL11000M |
IC4603 Takahashi TOA130, SBIG STL11000M |
M81 ,M82 Takahashi BRC250, SBIG STL11000M |
The Rosette Nebula Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M |
The Great Orion Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M Hoshi-Nabi magazine |
The Horsehead Nebula Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M Tenmon-Guide magazine |
M45 Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M |
Nebula in Auriga Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M Hoshi-Nabi magazine |
The North America Nebula Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M |
The Great Andromeda Takahashi TOA130S, SBIG STL11000M |
Cocoon Nebula RCOS 20inchRC, SBIG STL11000M Tenmon-Guide magazine |
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